Welcome Technical,
I want to share a very strange error that I faced today during AL extension development for Business Central. Few days back I also updated my AL Extension after updating I didn’t created new solution but as today I created a new solution and faced multiple issue while deploying or just downloading the symbol.
Issue 1: While Publishing AL Extension [F5] without downloading the symbol * [Error – 4:58:04 pm] Starting client failed Launching server using command c:\Users\Tabrez ajaz.vscode\extensions\ms-dynamics-smb.al-7.1.453917\bin\win32\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.EditorServices.Host.exe failed. * Could not start the language service * Couldn’t start client AL
Figure 1: Issue in Starting the AL Client
Issue 2: While downloading symbols * [Error – 5:03:13 pm] Connection to server is erroring. Shutting down server. * Could not download symbols. Please see the Visual Studio Code output log for more details. * Command ‘AL: Download symbols’ resulted in an error (Running the contributed command: ‘al.downloadSymbols’ failed.)
Figure 2: Issue while downloading the symbol
Solution: Step 1: Verifying app files I have checked launch.json and app.json files both looks fine for me:
Figure 3: launch.json and app.json files
Step 2: Re-installing AL Language Extension Then I thought some problem with my Visual Studio Code extensions, I have uninstalled and re-installed all my VS code extensions did same for AL Language Extension, but after re-installing the extension I found the problem is still not resolved…
Figure 4: Re-installing AL Language Extension
Step 3: Re-installing Visual Studio Code by clearing it’s cache and other supportive files from %appdata% folder means from roaming folder
Following Screenshots will resolve this issue:
Figure: 5: Uninstalling Visual Studio Code
Figure 6: Deleting files from C:\Users\<your_user_name>\.vscode folder
Figure 7: Deleting files from C:\Users\<your_user_name>\AppData\Roaming\Code
Figure 8: Installing Visual Studio Code
Figure 9: Installing Al Language Extension in Visual Studio Code
Figure 10: Downloading AL Symbol – Need Authentication
Please click on Copy & Open, this will open https://microsoft.com/devicelogin in the browser and will ask for the code to login as developer, please paste the code from the Visual Studio Code.
Figure 11: Authenticate your device by entering the code
Figure 12: After Successfully entering the code you will signed in as Dynamics 365 Developer to your device
Figure 13: Symbols downloaded successfully after authentication
Important Note: If you open the solution in which this issue occurred before that project still have this issue, this issue will go away for the new project. So for the problematic project the solution is to just recreate the project and copy all the code file folders in the new project solution.
I hope you found the solution in this article to resolve downloading symbol or publishing extension issue for your Business Central Extension in Visual Studio Code issue. Don’t forget to Like this post and follow this blog, so you can get the latest content.
#Command039ALDownloadsymbols039resultedinanerror #installextension #ALDevelopment #Couldn039tstartclientAL #Couldnotstartthelanguageservice #businesscentral #ConnectiontoserveriserroringShuttingdownserver #Startingclientfailed #039aldownloadSymbols039failed #MicrosoftDynamicsNavEditorServicesHostexefailed #visualstudiocodeissue #Connectiontoserveriserroring